I am using a tool called logseq to manage my notes. It is a fantastic tool, and I would like to be able to extend it. I am not an expert web developer, but I am a .NET developer. I would like to be able to write plugins for logseq using .NET and C#. I have found a way to do it using WebAssembly. In this post, I am going to show you how to do it.

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In the past, within my team at Innoveo, we had several discussions about the best way to unit test async WPF ICommand. We value quality, so testing is essential to us. We decided to make the methods called by the command internal so that our tests could call those.

What is the problem with unit testing an Async WPF ICommand? The problem is that the command is an async void method! So, you have no way to await the end of the execution of your command. So, your test might assert on things that are still executing.

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Early in my journey in developing software, I used to start a project by setting first a way to build my software automatically each time I did a set of changes. Long, very long ago, I used scripts scheduled to run. When JetBrains shipped TeamCity I started to use it extensively for my projects, here is my first post about “Set Up a Build Computer using VisualSVN, Team City, MsTest, NUnit“ from March 21, 2008, but used it since version 1.0. Later on, I also used Azure Pipelines to build Git Diff Margin and also GitHub Actions, for example, to build and deploy those pages.

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Till now, we have seen two Dapr building blocks which are the service to service invocation building block and the secrets building block. The secret building block serves to protect things like a database connection string, an API key… so that they’re never disclosed outside of the application. The service to service invocation building block serves to make calls between services in your distributed application easy. In this post, we will introduce a third one which is the bindings building block. The bindings building block enables your distributed application to handle external events or invoke external services.

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In previous posts, we focused on Dapr service invocation using the HTTP protocol. Dapr, through its service invocation, can also reliably and securely communicate with other applications using gRPC. We will have a look at this other capability in this post.

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Laurent Kempé

I am an experienced Team Leader & Distinguished Solution Architect with a passion for shipping high-quality products by empowering development team and culture toward an agile mindset. I bring technical vision and strategy, leading engineering teams to move product, processes and architecture forward.

Team Leader, Distinguished Solutions Architect

Illzach, France